
GOP The Definition of Hypocrisy

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January 21, 2015 by Chris Kite

In last night’s State of the Union speech, Republicans showed, once again, their double standards and inability to accept anything but their own way. We’ve seen it before. John Boehner saying that if Obama were to take action (that we don’t like), he would be poking them and telling them he doesn’t want to work with them even though THEY are willing to work with him. Right before Republicans vote to repeal Obamacare. Again.

Last night, as usual, the Republicans could not resist being ugly, divisive, and classless. When the President mentioned, “I’ve run my last campaign,” Republicans broke out in applause. Compared to recent SOTU antics by Republicans, this was pretty minor. No one screamed, “You lie!” Ted Nugent wasn’t there in all is whack job glory. And as is usually the case, the President handled it well. He simply reminded them that he knows because he won both times.

Now Republicans are whining that he isn’t acting like he wants to work with them by saying that. Really? That’s your takeaway? I get it. You are allowed to poke, jab, insult, make every effort to destroy anything he has accomplished, and all he is allowed to do is to vote for your ideas. Right?

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