
Mike Huckabee – Leader of the Christian Taliban?


January 23, 2015 by Chris Kite

This is beyond ludicrous! Mike Huckabee is saying that we need to turn to Christianity for our laws. Never mind the whole separation of church and state thing.

This is really no different than the Taliban. He wants to use religion to justify behaviors and laws. He wants to base our country on the bible instead of the constitution. And we all know how different people have perverted religious books to seize power, control people, and do things they way they want to do them. We don’t need religion to guide our laws. We need basic human decency and the US Constitution.

If you need religion to determine what is right and what is wrong, you clearly are not a moral person!

One thought on “Mike Huckabee – Leader of the Christian Taliban?

  1. Jan Stone says:

    Considering how many people misinterpret the Bible and the Koran this is really stupid on more levels than I can count, hence, my belief politicians should have to pass an IQ test before running for office and so should voters.

    The fundamental problem with terrorists is that they politicize their religious beliefs. And guess what? That’s NOT democracy; it’s totalitarinism. It’s NOT what makes our country great, and if the GOP cared about our country they’d punt him out of the field pronto.


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