
Vote with Your Wallet: Buycott for Social Justice


July 13, 2018 by Jan Stone

Trump’s conduct has gotten so extreme that even mainstream and venerable news outlets have started comparing his conduct to fascism. Many of Trump’s major business already cut ties with him. NBC and Macy’s as well as many other companies that do business with Trump ended their relationship over the summer. It’s a good start. But there’s more work to do.
This campaign is targeting remaining Trump business associations so you can boycott Trump @ Boycott Trump Products
And there’s more to do if you’re so inclined.

What is Buycott?

Buycott is the easy, empowering way to vote with your wallet. Join campaigns to support causes that you care about, then use Buycott when you shop to discover how a manufacturer matches up against your principles. Browse Buycott for Social Justice

Will this work in my country?

Buycott has millions of users from 192 countries, and is available everywhere. However, since much of the product data is crowd-sourced, certain regions do not yet have the wide product coverage that we have in North America.

How can I help?

  • Tell your friends! The more people we have using the product, the more, impact we can create.
  • Contact your favorite non-profit organizations and encourage them to create a campaign on Buycott
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  • If you scan a product that Buycott doesn’t know yet, fill out the fields and submit the new product
  • If you see any incorrect data in the app, please report it using the “Report Inaccuracies” button

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