
Reasons To Vote This Year

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October 17, 2018 by Chris Kite

Perhaps you aren’t sufficiently motivated to vote in this midterm election. Maybe you’re frustrated by our government and don’t think they adequately represent the people. Maybe you’ve decided “they’re all the same.”

I assure you, they are NOT “all the same.” Here are a bunch of reasons to vote:

  • You Care About The Environment
    I don’t think there is an issue where there is more difference between democrats and republicans. Democrats generally support environmental regulations and want to take action FOR clean air and water and AGAINST global climate change. The Trump Administration has been a complete disaster for all things environmental as they dismantle regulations and parse out federal lands for mining, logging, and general destruction.
  • You Support A Woman’s Right To Choose
    This is the other issue where republicans and democrats are polar opposites. Republicans smell blood in the water and want to make abortion illegal. But here’s the thing . . . making abortion illegal won’t stop women from having them. It will just make it unsafe.
  • You Support Science
    The Trump Administration and it’s republican allies are doing everything they can to take science out of government policy making. That is the wrong approach and it is dangerous.
  • You Support Health Care For All
    The republicans have taken every possible opportunity to damage or kill “Obamacare.” There is not doubt it is not the perfect approach. But without it, those older Americans not yet eligible for Medicare or anyone with a pre-existing condition is at risk of losing their insurance. The republican’s attacks on the ACA (AKA Obamacare) have resulted in higher premiums, shorter enrollment periods, and less Americans having coverage. If they want to replace Obamacare with a truly better program, I’m all for it. Create the better program and use it to end Obamacare. Don’t kill Obamacare and they hope for the best!
  • You Support Equal Treatment of Everyone
    Republicans have done their best to suppress the rights of minorities and the LGBTQ. They want to give preference to whites (particularly rich whites) and they want to force their backwards restrictive ideals on the rest of the country.
  • You Support Fair Taxes And A Lower Deficit
    The republicans passed sweeping tax changes that resulted in a huge handout to corporations and the rich. The deficit is ballooning and republicans are talking about cutting “entitlements.” That means cuts to Social Security and Medicare! Those aren’t “entitlements.” As American workers, we’ve all paid into those programs for years and nothing would be more unfair than cutting those programs to pay for the tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy.
  • You Support Reasonable Gun Regulations
    Republicans never met a weapon that was too dangerous to put the safety of Americans over gun manufacturer profits. There has never been a plan or serious proposal by democrats to eliminate all guns. It is never going to happen. But democrats do want to see background checks for every gun sale. Even at gun shows. And democrats support bans on bump stocks, which essentially make a semi automatic weapon and automatic one. Democrats also support reforms such as keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill, those on the do not fly list, and those convicted of domestic abuse. We’re not talking about getting rid of all guns. We’re talking about making it harder to get guns for those that are a danger to others.
  • You Support Sane Foreign Policy
    The Trump Administration has been threatening friends and allies and cozying up to brutal dictators in Russia, North Korea, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. They are damaging the United Nations and NATO, two organizations that have been critical to a much more peaceful world.

Clearly, these are indications that both sides are not the same. If ever there was a time that it was critical to vote, this is the election. Although they’re ALL important and voting is your civic duty. Most states have taken actions to make it easier to vote, with more options such as early voting, vote by mail, or traditional election day voting. But in those states that have taken actions to actually make it harder to vote, it is extremely critical that everyone make the effort to vote. That’s the only way things are going to change.

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